Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Fathers Dragon

Good day readers! Well I have to share one of our favorite books when my kids were young and we were homeschooling. (They are 19 and 21 now! ) Anyway it is My Fathers Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannett. It is a very simple chapter book that they can read alone, but is much better read aloud! It is a boy telling the story of his dad when he was young and how he had to rescue a dragon held in slavery. The cat tells the boy what to bring in his backpack for the journey, and every item is very creatively used! ( homeschoolers of young kids- read it aloud, make a poster of all the things in the backpack, and cross them off when they are used. call it art)
Anyway, we had family sayings from this book, the most used was "bum cack, bum cack, we dreed our naggin! " A funny thing happened about a year ago. I said that little saying to one of the boys, and they said " Hey, what is that from? I totally remember that silly line and dont know why" Funny what they remember!!
Ok Ruth wrote 2 or 3 sequils to this book, The Dragons of Blueland etc... but the best is the first. It is worth a read. Jill


Lisa said...

Great Post! I just want to say that my kids loved that book. It is still on our shelves too, as it is one book they tell me I cannot get rid of.

I think it is a great little adventure tale and I believe it's a Newberry Honor book; not only that, it is also so old that you can most likely find it free on the web, and if you read it long ago, reminisce.

I would caution though that Elmer does disobey his mother by feeding the alley cat and sneaking out for walks with him when she has told him not to. Elmer also runs away from home and tells lies to some animals in the story, I really do not intend to burst the bubble on a cute little fantasy for kids, but just to mention that all of this is certainly good for a discussion along the way!

skeetersgirl said...

okay..I can see i am going to need a lot of money to buy all these books featured on here!! where does one get this one!?