Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Seduction of Eva Volk

Check out the book "Seduction of Eva Volk" ... AWESOME! ... http://www.cdbaker.com/www.cdbaker.com/Seduction_of_Eva/Seduction_of_Eva.html

Beverly Schmitt of Preston Speed Publications sent me a notice of this up and coming book. It looks very intriguing.


Lisa said...

Good find Debbie! I can't wait to find out more about it myself.

I have read the Hiding Place and The girl who loved the Swastika, both good reads for sure. I have not read Shindler's List, another popular book on the subject matter. Have you? What have you read?

Anonymous said...

No books, sorry....I did see the movie Schindler's List. I have to say usually I hate war movies. Just too sad and depressing...but I have to admit that I found Valkarie to be very interesting. I just don't know how accurate historically it is....

Anonymous said...

Well, now that was stupid :) I have read The Diary of Anne Frank, and I heard about The Hiding Place so I know the subject matter, but not the content. I do have two books, "The Trail of the Fox" and "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich". I started reading the second one, but as I said, I find it too depressing. This will be a challenge for me.

Lisa said...

Well, we can put it on a list and see who give it a review! Then decide to read or not to read.
Of the making of many books, there is no end! (So choose how you spend your time, wisely.)

Lisa said...

This book should be coming out soon. Is anyone going to read it?

Heather said...

Looks interesting. I just asked the Spokane County Library District to purchase a copy.