Saturday, October 10, 2009

Veiled Freedom

Oh my goodness! This was a fantastic book. Some Christian novels are just "christian" because someone loves someone, they get saved in the end, so tu duu! they can get married. This is such a good book and you will learn some of the differences between Muslim and Christian thought.
So it is set in Afghanistan, probably about now. It is a young lady there helping a small organization serve the ladies and kids that are destitute. There is also a security guy who is supposed to be guarding one of the top leaders. I dont want to tell you more because it really is a good book. Suspenceful, interesting, cultural, and you will pretty much understand what in the world is going on in Afghanistan. Any high school homeschooler would love this book, and learn a lot! Call it social studies! Anyway I got it in the 14 day loan area of my public library. It is by J.M. Windle.
One important thing, you need to read the Prologue. It is a little confusing, but read it anyway. I cant wait to see how you like this book! I was so excited to share it with you. Delightful!


Lisa said...

Well, how can you pass up an endorsement like that? I bought the book at Borders... although I am not sure how soon I will get to reading it...
I will try to get Bethany maybe to check it out for me, she is looking for a read. I am reading other things right now... and so I will have to see how this works out or is it, "in" in to my life...

I do have the book.. and am interested in the topic. That's half the battle I am sure!

Books I am reading currently are : Eats, Shoots and Leaves, and the Universe Next Door.

mumo6 said...

Thank you, periwinkleblew, for this recommendation. DH and I each read it. He really enjoyed it. I don't know that I would use the word 'enjoyed' to describe my experience with the book. I found myself grieving - just broken hearted over man's lost condition, and over man's inhumanity to man. That the Father can stand knowing every thought of the intent of our hearts continually, without just blotting us out completely, is the greatest testimony to His grace and compassion that I know of.

Thank you for the recommendation. I was needing this season of grieving over my sin, and over the lostness of the world.