Monday, January 11, 2010

No Limbs To No Limits (Video Presentation)

Have you heard this one before: "I cried because I had no shoes, and then I met a man who had no feet."  Well, how about a man who has not arms and no legs?

I cannot imagine how defeating such a thing could be...Can you?  What would it be like?
This film reminded me once more that with God all things are possible.... aren't they?  It made me so happy and so blessed to know the man featured in this film is my brother in the Lord.

This is a film I bought this weekend at Amber's store in Spokane and it was in my opinion a fantastic find.  I want to buy copies to give to people I know because I think it is so inspiring.  It is about a man  named Nick Vujici.  He is that man with no arms or legs, however, he does have a part of a foot.

I have seen Nick before on You Tube, but it was only a short segment, so I kinda knew a little about him, and was happy to get the video and learn more about him.  I enjoyed the fact that he tells his audiences truth, about himself about his live and most importantly about God.  All I can tellyou if you do not know who he is is that he is one amazing human being.  He really is quite and inspiration.

 The inspirational message he gives at the beginning of this film appears to have been done at a high school assembly and I thought it was quite powerful.  I can only imgine the impact he has on people as he preaches about JEsus Christ around the world.

I stopped at a friends house on my way home after I bought one of his films at the store and then watched it with my friend.  (I watched it a second time today at home.)  The first time watching this film with my friend was great because she has a handicapped son, who watched part of it with us, and it ministered to all of us in some very special ways.  I highly recommend taking encouragement from this brother in the Lord!

You can watch some of his video presentations ont he Internet.  If you like, start here.


Jill said...

Lisa, you are so good at this! I would love to watch this video! How about the dilly dallys go to a used book store sometime! love ya

Lisa said...

You can borrow my copy...
I will add that since this time, I have seen Nick do a secular presentation quite similar to his Christian presentation... kinda made me sad to think he would repeat it all without the Jesus part.... changing a few things here and there.... still this too was inspiring.

So... next time we meet up...
too bad I didn't read this in the morning! I could have brought it today! You will love it. He is amazingly courageous...

used book stores? Get Lynn in on that one!

Lisa said...

So Jill, What do you have to say about this film?