Sunday, April 4, 2010

Taming the Techno Beast by Todd Wilson

 Taming the Techno Beast  is a book I bought at a recent conference where the author spoke.  It's a small book, and easy to read.  I got it because I am a sort of anti techno person... (She said as she typed on her computer, using the internet....) I mean, I think one should be careful that such things do not suck up your life... and I know how they can easily do that.  Also, I liked hearing what Todd Wilson had to say too, as he talked about issues pertaining to parenting and homeschooling... and knowing he had a heart for the Lord, I was also interested to hear what he had to say about this techno beast.

I found it to be interesting and insightful as he talked about how technology sneaks in and how i consumes you when you least expect it.  IT is funny how you start with your kids playing seemingly  innocent, educational games like Winnie the Pooh or Carmen San Diego and the next thing you know it becomes babysitting sort of time... and then the next thing you know they've  moved on to other games that fulfill the entertainment need and then people are playing games instead of playing with friends.

I think the book was a good reminder to be thoughtful about this technological world that has emerged and how we spend out time, how our kids spend their time.  He says that we cannot kill the beast... because it does exist, it permeates our culture, and we should recognize how it can be used for both good and for evil.  He says though that we need to tame it, bring it under control..and not let it control us or our kids.

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